-= Read Me =-
Paula and Operator you were both warned by us to stay away from the DoxBin community,
even after you were extended an olive branch you decided to power trip and crash
out for no reason.
Paula you could have just continued living your sad, worthless life collecting
your money from selling blacklists and gambling it away, all while you hang around
other worthless losers on Discord. If you have purchased a blacklist in the past
consider that money wasted, you will need to blame Paula for it being leaked, she
alone created this situation.
Blacklist: https://tooda.sh/c/3TSlW2zS.txt
Your entire ego is built up by edating your ransomware affiliated boyfriend
Operator/Clark/ArkaT (Scattered Spider Member), and you're on a power trip because
he spent a third of his net re-purchasing doxbin under a new alias just to get
exposed and get your dox leaked in front of everyone. Sadly mass my reporting Telegram
channels and slaving EDRs with hardline won't help you out of this situation.
You were given many opportunities to either leave or at the least not attempt (and
fail) to dox every person you had a slight disagreement with.
Take this as a warning, stop trying to dox innocent people, leave the DoxBin community
or this will get worse.
- emo
Names Used:
Edina Suciu (From Digi Carrier - +40745075280)
Suciu Edina (From Uber Eats - +40745075280)
Nikole Szovo (From Amazon)
Name: Edina Suciu
A/K/A: Nikole Szovo
Address: Strada Lazului 6, Floresti Cluj, 407280
DOB: Feb 15 (From Devaint)
Târgu-Mureş, RO (From IP on Email)
Cluj-Napoca, RO (From Instagram)
+40 745 075 280 (was current at the time)
+40 7** **6 282 (Paypal Hint - [email protected])
+40 745 075 280 (Current)
Carrier: RCS-RDS Romania Digi Mobil
Type: Wireless
-> apple.com: n?????@g?????.com
-> instagram.com
-> uber.com
Uber Info:
Number: +40745075280
Name: Suciu Edina
Email: [email protected]
Created: 1 month ago (at the time)
No Orders
Amazon Info:
Last Login: Aug, 16 (to delete her account)
Email: [email protected]
Name: Nikole Szovo
Address: Strada Lazului 6, Floresti Cluj, 407280
Phone: +40 745 075 280
Orders (within 3 months):
cute pink blouse set
hair wig red black
studded belt
durex condoms real feel
piercing kit
blush and concealer
10 pack syringes
--- Emails: -------------------------------------------------
[email protected] ( suciu(.)[email protected] )
Device: iPhone
Recovery: kak••••••••••@gmail.com
GID: 108106976277062096300
Name: def
- Play Games: Shyfoxylol, Last Played Game: Lords Mobile
- Microsoft: Edina Suciu, Created: 29 March, 2019 (.)
- Skype: live:.cid.4306c2a071f703b3 (.)
- https://www.deviantart.com/xcraftedtyt
- https://picsart.com/u/dxdblxxdlol
- https://trello.com/u/ishowyoumyname
- https://vsco.co/emeqxrald/gallery
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegHj1J--3sv1dLFTegjglQ
[email protected] (iCloud Secondary Email)
- Microsoft Name: hgf hhgf
- Microsoft ID: 4D74D1EF6DDEB165
- Microsoft Country: SE (Sweden)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Old iCloud Secondary Email)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
r*******[email protected]
--- IPs: -------------------------------------------------
- city:"Târgu-Mureş",
- region:"MureÈ™ County",
- country:"RO",
- domain:"digi.ro",
- type:"isp",
--- Socials: -------------------------------------------------
Paypal - [email protected]
Number: +40 7** **6 282
Acc Nr: 1373********1091
Birthday: Feb 15
Location: Romania
Gender: Female
Created: 31 August, 2018
Old Discord: schizphrenic // 1081799417801224236
Old Main Discord:
Username: v4h
User ID: 256749247628574722
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 4485006424 (USA)
Old Discord:
Username: piercemyheart6
User ID: 1156752438754287616
Email: [email protected]
Old Discord:
Username: piercemyheart5
User ID: 1156212717833687160
Email: [email protected]
Old Discord:
Username: piercemyheart3
User ID: 115670855930060813 (too old, data deleted)
https://www.snapchat.com/add/jesuspecialist (Pre-COM Snap)
https://snapchat.com/add/ffvtl (Com Snap)
https://flipd.gg/Thread-200--1124671 (scam thread lol)
https://soundcloud.com/mp3mp3mp3 (deleted)
https://soundcloud.com/piercemyheart4 - g******@gmail.com (deleted)
https://t.me/loli (old)
https://t.me/piercemyheart4 (old)
https://soundcloud.com/mp3mp3mp3 -> r*******[email protected] (deleted)
https://soundcloud.com/piercemyheart4 -> g******@gmail.com (deleted)
https://www.instagram.com/g0thikal (current)
https://www.instagram.com/owww (current, recently made)
https://www.instagram.com/silenthill7172845 (old)
https://www.instagram.com/ibelongtokevin (old, deleted)
https://namemc.com/profile/Adult.2 (op bought)
https://namemc.com/profile/nycfashionweek.1 (Old MAIN Mc)
1. nycfashionweek February 2nd 2024
2. nycfashionweek September 3rd 2023
3. skypegirl August 29th 2023
4. buckkshot August 24th 2022
5. blasiangirl May 22nd 2022
6. Hunanese January 29th 2022
7. lynmx December 24th 2021
8. h7vn November 13th 2021
9. fvtl October 3rd 2021
10. wrissts September 3rd 2021
11. backstqbbed August 3rd 2021
12. kevinsproperty April 3rd 2021
13. kevinswifee February 27th 2021
14. S0REK1TTY August 28th 2020
(different mcskinhistory names)
10kevinswifee02/27/21 · 05:05:45 PM UTC3y9
kevinsproperty04/03/21 · 07:57:57 PM UTC2y8
backstqbbed08/03/21 · 05:11:14 PM UTC2y7
wrissts09/03/21 · 08:13:59 AM UTC2y6
fvtl10/03/21 · 08:18:21 AM UTC2y5
kitty261 01/06/23 · 05:34:40 AM UTC1y4
dgenjoyer 02/02/23 · 07:54:55 PM UTC1y3
bakelite 03/27/23 · 07:52:02 PM UTC1y2
skypegirl 07/09/23 · 09:04:38 PM UTC8mo1
nycfashionweek09/03/23 · 06:59:21 PM UTC6mo
Email: [email protected]
--- old mobile vpn logs: -------------------------------------------------
"7326","login.wrong_password","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 08:05:35"
"7326","login.default.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 07:38:30"
"7326","login.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 07:13:34"
"7326","register.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 07:13:34"
"7215","login.default.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 07:54:32"
"7215","login.wrong_password","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 07:54:00"
"7215","login.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-08 07:46:52"
"7215","register.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-08 07:46:52"
"7212","login.default.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-09 08:06:05"
"7212","login.default.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-08 07:53:51"
"7212","login.default.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-08 07:48:25"
"7212","login.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-08 07:00:06"
"7212","register.success","","mobile","EU","RO","","2023-11-08 07:00:06"
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