Mr. C TikToker Gay Pornstar

Mar 10, 2025 6:30 AM Anonymous plaintext 18 views
                                  MMP""MM""YMM   .g8""8q.           `7MM"""Yb.      db      
                                  P'   MM   `7 .dP'    `YM.           MM    `Yb.   ;MM:     
                                       MM      dM'      `MM  ,pW"Wq.  MM     `Mb  ,V^MM.    
                                       MM      MM        MM 6W'   `Wb MM      MM ,M  `MM    
                                       MM      MM.      ,MP 8M     M8 MM     ,MP AbmmmqMA   
                                       MM      `Mb.    ,dP' YA.   ,A9 MM    ,dP'A'     VML  
                                     .JMML.      `"bmmd"'    `Ybmd9'.JMMmmmdP'.AMA.   .AMMA.
                                                      We Ride at Dawn.                        
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            If you are familiar with "com" and have ever been on TikTok you will by chance saw a TikToker named Mr. C 
            A/K/A @cplusplusmf, who makes videos about him discussing known members of com, flexing having knowledge of 
            methods relating to hacking, OSINT, and other cybersec activities and acting like a generic com ape. Mr C
            would grow into a niche microcelebrity and use his fame to create large telegram group chats and channels
            under the name "Skidmark" where he and other like minded apes would roleplay as hackers.
            Before joining com Mr. C was already familiar with TikTok fame, being known under the username '@mytwln' on 
            TikTok and going viral for a video where he advertises his amateur porn Twitter account where he went by the
            aliases 'Scottie The Hottie' and 'ShlongDongOG' ( 
            However, he would quickly be cancelled by Africans for calling a black girl a "skid mark". Many hate accounts 
            on Twitter and TikTok would be made to "expose" him ( 
            ( He would also have frequent tard spergouts with the customers of his 
            gay pornogrpahy, where he would call them niggers and faggots, you can read about them on LPSG 
            ( You can find his leaks here 
            Mr. C would continue selling amateur gay pornography featuring himself, reaching 89k followers on Twitter by 
            February 2022. In one archvied post Mr. C would post his own ID to prove his age, he would censor the majority 
            of information but forget to censor his name which reads 'Scottie Bailey' and his dob April 5th, 2002 
            ( ( Performing a TLO on 
            this name comes back to a singular person. A 22 year old Scottie Mason Bailey from Siler City, North Carolina.
            Checking the address on street view shows a familiar figure sat outside the home (
            In 2024 Mr. C would begin posting com related TikToks under the username 'cplusplusontoplolz' he would drop his old 
            gay pornography alias and put his Twitter account on private ( He would then transition
            to his new com alias which would be noticed by some of his former customers who were unhappy with the username change 
            ( You can see from posts on the @cplusplusmf TikTok Mr. C is clearly in the same bedroom 
            as when he went under the alias 'shlongdongog' (
            Mr. C has lived a sad pathetic life sitting in his bedroom and selling his body for profit. Mr. C would reveal in a 
            tweet from early 2024 that he was selling gay pornography of himself from the age of 17 ( 
            Keeping with this trend of being a pathetic loser, Mr. C would found his own LARP hacking group with others retards
            such as the Doxbin council member and flag slave 'Jayze'. Both of whom combined deluded each other into believing 
            that despite being sub 90 IQ retards they could *somehow* dox emo, one of our members. In the process of attempting 
            this they would accidentally dox a known soundcloud scenecore artist 'emorave', believing it to be emo, Mr C and Jayze 
            would then harass the soundcloud artist and attempt to find people to kidnap them. All of this while demanding a ransom 
            of 1 Bitcoin from the real emo to prevent the dox from being released (
            Mr. C has already deactivated his main TikTok @cplusplusmf and is frantically denying everything relating to this dox.
                                         `7MMM.     ,MMF'               .g8"""bgd 
                                           MMMb    dPMM               .dP'     `M 
                                           M YM   ,M MM  `7Mb,od8     dM'       ` 
                                           M  Mb  M' MM    MM' "'     MM          
                                           M  YM.P'  MM    MM         MM.         
                                           M  `YM'   MM    MM         `Mb.     ,' 
                                         .JML. `'  .JMML..JMML.         `"bmmmd'  
                                                   ,---.           ,---.
                                                  / /"`.\.--"""--./,'"\ \
                                                  \ \    _       _    / /
                                                   `./  / __   __ \  \,'
                                                    /    /_O)_(_O\    \
                                                    |  .-'  ___  `-.  |
                                                 .--|       \_/       |--.
                                               ,'    \   \   |   /   /    `.
                                              /       `.  `--^--'  ,'       \
                                           .-"""""-.    `--.___.--'     .-"""""-.
                      .-------------------/         \------------------/         \-------------------.
                      | .-----------------\         /----------------- \         /-----------------. |
                      | |                  `-`--`--'                    `--'--'-'                  | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Aliases                                                               | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                              | |
                      | |    Mr. C                                                                 | |
                      | |    cplusplusmf                                                           | |
                      | |    shlongdongog                                                          | |
            	      | |    Scottie The Hottie                                                    | | 
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Name                                                                  | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                 | |
                      | |    Scottie Mason Bailey                                                  | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    SSN                                                                   | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾                                                                  | |
                      | |    770-10-7093                                                           | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Date of Birth                                                         | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                        | |
                      | |    April 5th, 2002 (Age: 22)                                             | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Address                                                               | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                              | |
                      | |    3895 CREEKWOOD RD # 10010, SILER CITY, RANDOLPH, NC 27344             | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Eye Color                                                             | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                            | |
                      | |    Green                                                                 | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Height                                                                | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                               | |
                      | |    5'11                                                                  | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Hair Color                                                            | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                           | |
                      | |    Brown                                                                 | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Ethnicity                                                             | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                            | |
                      | |    White                                                                 | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Voter Reg Num                                                         | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                        | |
                      | |    000000229790                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
            	      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Voter Reg Date                                                        | |
            	      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                       | |
                      | |    April 30th, 2021                                                      | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
		      | |    Phone Number(s)                                                       | |
		      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                      | |
                      | |    (...) ...-..45                                                        | |
		      | |    (...) ...-..02                                                        | |
		      | |                                                                          | |
		      | |                                                                          | |
		      | |    Email Addresses                                                       | |
		      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                      | |
		      | |    [email protected]                                           | |
                      | |    GAIA ID: 110955841393442614070                                        | |
                      | |    Recovery: (•••) •••-••45                                              | |
                      | |    -> Apple:                                                             | |
                      | |        Phone: (***) ***-**06                                             | |
                      | |    ->                                                        | |
                      | |    ->                                          | |
                      | |    -> Microsoft:                                                         | |
                      | |        ID: 88FD167B6DC2DC48                                              | |
                      | |        Phone: ********06                                                 | |
                      | |        Name: Mason Bailey                                                | |
                      | |        Created: 21 February, 2016                                        | |
                      | |        Location: US                                                      | |
                      | |    -> Spotify                                                            | |
                      | |    -> Arcgames                                                           | |
                      | |    -> Instagram                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    [email protected]                                               | |
                      | |    GAIA ID: 111940604515446057418                                        | |
                      | |    -> XVideos                                                            | |
                      | |    -> Instagram                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Socials                                                               | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                              | |
                      | |                                  | |
                      | |        Created: 29 June, 2024                                            | |
                      | |        Location: US                                                      | |
                      | |                                    | |
                      | |        Created: 26 June, 2024                                            | |
                      | |        Location: US                                                      | |
                      | |                                     | |
                      | |        Created: 9 March, 2024                                            | |
                      | |        Location: US                                                      | |
                      | | - suspended                | |
                      | | - deleted                              | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                        | |
                      | |        Old Username: scottiesalt                                         | |
                      | |                                              | |
                      | | - deleted                               | |
                      | | - suspended                                | |
                      | |                                        | |
                      | |        Old Username: shlongdongog                                        | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                            | |
                      | |                             | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |$scottiehotti                                        | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                  | |
                      | |        Location: Greensboro, NC                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                     | |
            	      | |        Name: Scottie Bailey                                              | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                               | |
                      | |        Email: w*******e@i*****.com                                       | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |__________________________________________________________________________| |
                                    `7MM"""YMM        mm   `7MM                        
                                      MM    `7        MM     MM                        
                                      MM   d  ,6"Yb.mmMMmm   MMpMMMb.  .gP"Ya `7Mb,od8 
                                      MM""MM 8)   MM  MM     MM    MM ,M'   Yb  MM' "' 
                                      MM   Y  ,pm9MM  MM     MM    MM 8M""""""  MM     
                                      MM     8M   MM  MM     MM    MM YM.    ,  MM     
                                    .JMML.   `Moo9^Yo.`Mbmo.JMML  JMML.`Mbmmd'.JMML.   
                                                    ,---.           ,---.
                                                  / /"`.\.--"""--./,'"\ \
                                                  \ \    _       _    / /
                                                   `./  / __   __ \  \,'
                                                    /    /_O)_(_O\    \
                                                    |  .-'  ___  `-.  |
                                                 .--|       \_/       |--.
                                               ,'    \   \   |   /   /    `.
                                              /       `.  `--^--'  ,'       \
                                           .-"""""-.    `--.___.--'     .-"""""-.
                      .-------------------/         \------------------/         \-------------------.
                      | .-----------------\         /----------------- \         /-----------------. |
                      | |                  `-`--`--'                    `--'--'-'                  | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Name                                                                  | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                 | |
                      | |    Scottie David Bailey                                                  | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    SSN                                                                   | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾                                                                  | |
                      | |    269-58-8827                                                           | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Date of Birth                                                         | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                        | |
                      | |    August 7th, 1958 (Age: 66)                                            | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Address                                                               | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                              | |
                      | |    3895 CREEKWOOD RD # 10010, SILER CITY, RANDOLPH, NC 27344             | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Phone Number                                                          | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                         | |
                      | |    +1 919 625 3474                                                       | |
                      | |    -> Facebook:                                                          | |
                      | |        Email: [email protected]                                   | |
                      | |    -> PayPal:                                                            | |
                      | |        ID: PID-8DPJ-AHXG-EQWX-9MPS                                       | |
                      | |        Name: Scottie Bailey                                              | |
                      | |        Username: ScottieBailey101                                        | |
                      | |        Location: US                                                      | |
                      | |        Account Number: 5595********3295                                  | |
                      | |    -> Apple:                                                             | |
                      | |        Email: [email protected]                                 | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    Email Addresses                                                       | |
                      | |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                      | |
                      | |    [email protected]                                            | |
                      | |    GAIA ID: 102661387995395215514                                        | |
                      | |    -> Skype:                                                             | |
                      | |        ID: [email protected]                                    | |
                      | |        Type: Skype4Business                                              | |
                      | |    -> Apple:                                                             | |
                      | |        Phone: (919) 624-3474                                             | |
                      | |    -> PayPal:                                                            | |
                      | |        ID: PID-8DPJ-AHXG-EQWX-9MPS                                       | |
                      | |        Name: Scottie Bailey                                              | |
                      | |        Username: ScottieBailey101                                        | |
                      | |        Location: US                                                      | |
                      | |        Account Number: 5595********3295                                  | |
                      | |    -> Teams:                                                             | |
                      | |        Name: Scott Bailey                                                | |
                      | |        Tenant Name: Progressive Contracting Co., I...                    | |
                      | |    -> Samsung                                                            | |
                      | |    -> Nextdoor                                                           | |
                      | |    -> Pinterest                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |    [email protected]                                              | |
                      | |    -> Facebook:                                                          | |
                      | |        Phone: +9196243474                                                | |
                      | |    -> Pinterest                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |                                                                          | |
                      | |__________________________________________________________________________| |

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